Monday, July 18, 2011

electricity from sea waves is the future prospect

Ocean waves and bells Zamrisyaf inspiration. Researchers in the Division of Research and Development of PT PLN (Persero)the Indonesian electricity company under government to design a power plant with ocean wave energy that drives the pendulum, then converted into energy to drive the flywheel and an electric turbine.

"The technology is already getting ready to patent and commercialized," said Zamrisyaf Thursday (05/19/2011) in Jakarta. Zamrisyaf has registered technology of Electric Power Ocean Wave Energy of the Pendulum System (EPOWER-PS) to obtain a patent in 2002

Initially, Zamrisyaf pursuing the field of micro-hydro power plants. Then, travel by boat to bring him inspiration for designing PLTGL-SB. On that trip, the ship buffeted by storms with high sea waves. Swinging ship. The ship's bell tolling.

Listen to the bell housing Zamrisyaf collided with the pendulum. "Sea waves have an energy that passes the ball swing bells bells produce sound energy. But the ball on my draft EPOWER-PS generate electricity," said Zamrisyaf.

He cited the law of conservation of energy that energy can not be created and destroyed, but transformed. Zamrisyaf converting ocean wave energy into electrical energy through a pendulum motion of intermediate energy and drives the flywheel. In the end, moving the flywheel that spins a turbine or dynamo and generate electricity.


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