Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rainbow Frog Appeared Again at Kalimantan ( Borneo island ) Indonesia After 87 Years

Scientists are combing the mountains in Borneo, Kalimantan rainbow frog species encountered have never been found since the last 87 years. This time, they managed to conserve and photograph the first rainbow of Borneo frog photo world.

Previously, the documentation just frog it is illustrated Conservation International, a nonprofit organization that focuses on environmental sustainability including rainbow frog kalimantan (Ansonia latidisca) in the list of "Top 10 Most Wanted Missing Frogs." The institute has also expressed concern that the frog may have already become extinct. Beetle was last seen by European explorers in 1924.

According Indraneil Das, a professor from the Sarawak University Malaysia, who led the expedition, they do a search since last August but could not find frogs. After focusing Penrissen melt into the mountains that are rarely explored during the last century, they found three tails A.latidisca lived in three different trees. Frogs were found consisting of a male frog and female frog, and a baby frog.

"It's nice to know that nature can deliver a shock when we almost gave up, especially in the current extinction crisis continues to spread across our planet," said Robon Moore, amphibian specialist researchers from Conservation International in announcing the findings.

Although succeed to find, Das and his team refused to reveal the exact position of the frog to avoid arrest because of high demand for colorful amphibians. However, the researchers will continue to find out about this population of frogs in Penrissen.
From National Geographic Indonesia

Electric Power Ocean Wave Energy of the Pendulum System (EPOWER-PS) Technology Researched and Reviewed

Jakarta, Kompas-National Team for the Global Environment Facility Steering Committee is reviewing the proposed construction of Electric Power Ocean Wave Energy plants in the waters of Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara, which will be funded by a grant from the Global Environment Facility. Powerful 5 megawatt power plant project is expected to flow five to eight villages that do not yet have electricity network.

Environment Minister Mohammad Gusti Hatta explained that the proposed construction of a wave power plant is proposed Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, and the Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Utilization, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR).

The proposal was being considered for the national team, GEF screened again at the international level, ", "said Gusti. If possible, the draft will be submitted to the GEF Forum in Washington, United States.

Ocean waves power plant was proposed for GEF grants worth 10 million dollars, including climate change mitigation. "The use of ocean currents to generate electricity that is ecologically clean electrical energy, avoiding the use of fossil fuels, which produce emissions " said Gusti.

The head of the multilateral cooperation of the Ministry of environmental protection, revelation Marjaka explained, the wave energy is expected to generate electricity for the population within five to eight villages in the waters of the Wakatobi. " project is a continuation of the wave of the pilot plant in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Later, you can calculate how much carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced with the creation of the factory, " Wahyu said.


In addition to project Electric Power Ocean Wave Energy of the Pendulum System (EPOWER-PS), Tim GEF National Steering Committee is also reviewing the proposal of the Ministry of Energy to build a network of Micro-Hydro in Indonesia. "GEF Grant is required to start a network of Micro-Hydro power 3.5 million U.S. dollars. Each area has a Micro-Hydro will be counted, how the contribution of carbon emissions reductions from renewable energy," said Wahyu.

The total value of the GEF period 2010 - 2014 reached 87.91 million U.S. dollars. "Everything is pure grants and not just the government who can submit proposals to take advantage of GEF funding Funds can also be exploited college, community, and nongovernmental organizations .. For example, how to prevent forest fires by menabat canal peat in peatlands. Climate change adaptation programs are also needed. No time limit, the proposal can be filed at any time, "said Gusti.

Monday, July 18, 2011

electricity from sea waves is the future prospect

Ocean waves and bells Zamrisyaf inspiration. Researchers in the Division of Research and Development of PT PLN (Persero)the Indonesian electricity company under government to design a power plant with ocean wave energy that drives the pendulum, then converted into energy to drive the flywheel and an electric turbine.

"The technology is already getting ready to patent and commercialized," said Zamrisyaf Thursday (05/19/2011) in Jakarta. Zamrisyaf has registered technology of Electric Power Ocean Wave Energy of the Pendulum System (EPOWER-PS) to obtain a patent in 2002

Initially, Zamrisyaf pursuing the field of micro-hydro power plants. Then, travel by boat to bring him inspiration for designing PLTGL-SB. On that trip, the ship buffeted by storms with high sea waves. Swinging ship. The ship's bell tolling.

Listen to the bell housing Zamrisyaf collided with the pendulum. "Sea waves have an energy that passes the ball swing bells bells produce sound energy. But the ball on my draft EPOWER-PS generate electricity," said Zamrisyaf.

He cited the law of conservation of energy that energy can not be created and destroyed, but transformed. Zamrisyaf converting ocean wave energy into electrical energy through a pendulum motion of intermediate energy and drives the flywheel. In the end, moving the flywheel that spins a turbine or dynamo and generate electricity.

The last dinosaurs on earth

Triceratops is estimated to be last a non birds dinosaur on Earth. This conclusion was drawn after the research scientists of fossils from Hell Creek Formation, Montana, United States designated. Triceratops is the youngest dinosaur ever discovered. The findings are very close to the disaster Triceratops meteor 65 million years ago also tend to refute the theory that the extinction of the dinosaurs took place gradually.

"Our study really shows that the extinction caused by meteor impact," said study leader Tyler Lyson told Discovery News. Meteor impact in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, destroying most of the dinosaurs, especially the dinosaurs that can not fly.

By studying the geological layers in the area, Lyson and his team discovered that the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared after a super disaster.

Meanwhile, the theory of gradual extinction of dinosaurs based on the gap as thick as 3 meters in the geological zone where the dinosaur fossils found before the disaster.

Triceratops was found in Hell Creek above the zone of 3 meters. "This shows there is one species, or even more, which is still alive when a disaster occurs," said one researcher. According to Stephen Chester, one of the researchers are also involved in the study, the location of important discoveries. "In addition to dinosaurs, we also found a diversity of small mammals was first documented after disasters Mammals undergo adaptation. And begin to fill the empty land," the researchers said.

Until now, scientists have not been able to find a good reason to explain how mammals, turtles, and a few other animals could have survived the meteor disaster

Lizard is Smart Intelligence Animals

Duke University Researchers from USA, found that the tropical lizard Anolis evermanni have the ability to solve problems. Green lizard has a high intelligence. Based on experiments conducted by Prof. Lead manually from Duke University, the lizard is able to reverse such a plate. Hidden behind the plate is a worm, lizard's favorite food. One way to hit the disc upside down. "I was surprised with this method,"said Lead on Wednesday (07/13/2011), BBC